Hytera DMR Networks are controlled by WalkieFleet server over IP connection to the repeaters by means of Hytera DMR Application Protocol. WalkieFleet doesn't use Hytera SDK libraries which allows to have 64-bit service implementation and better flexibility.
WalkieFleet server can connect multiple Hytera DMR networks over IP
Private and group voice calls between WalkieFleet and DMR subscribers
Location Tracking
Text Message Exchange
Call Alert
Radio Check
Radio Monitoring
Radio Enable/Disable
WalkieFleet Hytera DMR connection license is required to enable connection to Hytera DMR system. The connection license is required per each master repeater.
Conventional and trunking (XPT or pseudotrunk) connections require different kind of licenses
Supported DMR Configurations
XPT (single site and multisite)
Supported Repeater Configurations
Voice repeaters
Data repeaters (revert channels)
Wide area (multisite) groups, local groups
WalkieFleet DMR Connection Diagram
Supported Call Types
Group calls (local and multisite)
Emergency group call
All Call
Private calls
Text Messages
Group TMS
Private TMS
Location Tracking
One time request (find on map)
Periodic request at a given polling time
Radio Monitor (from dispatcher only)
Radio Check (from dispatcher only)
Call Alert (from dispatcher or mobile client)
Disable/Enable Radio (from dispatcher only)
Important Notes
Radio IDs of all DMR entities must be unique. DMR entities include the subscriber terminals, all the repeaters and virtual radio ids assigned in the WalkieFleet
Radio IDs assigned in scope of the WalkieFleet settings must be in the range of 65280 – 65535. It is recommended to program Control Center ID = 65280 in all subscriber terminal and use other values for WalkieFleet dispatchers and mobile users
In case of XPT – all the repeaters on all sites including data revert repeaters must have the same settings to connect to the WalkieFleet server
In case of IPMS – Only one repeater should connect to the WalkieFleet server. WalkieFleet supports only wide area slots in IPMS
All Hytera DMR connection settings are done in Server Manager.
Hytera DMR Connection Settings
WalkieFleet server can connect multiple Hytera networks at the same time. Connection is established with master repeater. Open Server Settings window / DMR tab to manage Hytera DMR connection settings.
Hytera DMR Connection Properties
General tab
XPT - Enables connection to Hytera XPT system. When XPT is off, IPMS is supposed to be connected.
Default Radio ID – Default Radio ID is used by default to identify activities done from WalkieFleet to DMR system. This Radio ID is used if no other Virtual Radio ID is assigned to dispatcher or WalkieFleet user making call to DMR fleet.
RRS Slot1 Port ... Voice Slot2 Port must be set to the same values as they are defined in connected Hytera master repeater.
Sound Level (dB) - Level adjustment for the sound transmitted from WalkieFleet to DMR network.
Note! XPT and IPMS connections require different WalkieFleet licenses!
Site Settings (Obligatory for XPT)
Number of sites must correspond to the real number of XPT sites
Groups tab
List of groups available to WalkieFleet server for voice communication through DMR connection.
Group ID – Group ID as it is defined in DMR system
Slot – slot number
For each group, tick the sites where the group is allowed. If sites are not specified, group is supposed to be available on all sites. This setting must strictly correspond to the Home Group List repeater setting on the Master and Submaster. Group call setup from the WalkieFleet is done on the site from the list. WalkieFleet iterates through the sites starting with the site having higher priority to find the site having a free voice channel. For the private call, the priority is given to the site where radio presented any activity last time.
All Call ID for XPT = 255 All Call ID for IPMS = 16777215 Emergency Group ID for XPT = 250 … 254
Presence Check tab
Enable presence check to track DMR user online/ofline state.
Radio Inactivity Timeout – Radio Check is sent to a radio if it presents no activity along inactivity timeout
Presence Check Interval - Minimal time interval between radio checks. To eliminate radio channel stuck, WalkieFleet server does not send radio checks more frequently than specified in Presence Check Interval
Presence Check Attempts - Number of attempts to send radio check to certain radio. In case of no response, server stops checking radio presence and supposes it to be offline
Hytera Repeater Settings
Forward to PC should be ON
Third Part Server IP - IP Address of WalkieFleet Server
API Interface Mode - Set to Hytera Defined Mode
Hytera Radio Settings
Control Center ID should be equal to Default Radio ID set in Hytera DMR connection properties
Timing settings for the radio registration
Logic channel settings
Command permissions
GPS settings
Group Association
DMR group becomes available in a WalkieFleet network when it is associated with certain WalkieFleet group. Open Network Settings Window and add or open properties of a group to be associated with DMR group.
Switch to DMR tab and select corresponding DMR group.
Assign DMR Radio ID to WalkieFleet user
WalkieFleet user can be assigned with Virtual Radio ID representing one in DMR network. Virtual Radio ID is assigned in user properties window / DMR tab
Assign DMR Radio ID to WalkieFleet dispatcher
WalkieFleet dispatcher can be assigned with Virtual Radio ID representing one in DMR network. Virtual Radio ID is assigned in dispatcher properties window / DMR tab Virtual Radio ID for XPT must be in range of 65280-65535
DMR Subscribers
DMR Subscribers may appear in user list of mobile client and dispatcher application with definite names. List of DMR subscribers is managed on DMR tab of Network Settings window.