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WalkieFleet 5.7.6 Release
Walkie Labs is announcing new 5.7.6 release introducing rich set of new features as follows.
Dynamic Groups
Groups created and managed by a dispatcher in the dispatch console with the capability to add/delete dynamic group members based on the geofencing
Guard Tour Enhancements
QR Code checkpoints
Printing of QR Code checkpoints in the dispatcher console
Full Duplex Calls
Full duplex private voice calls for mobile users
Applicable only to mobile devices running Android 9.0 or higher, supporting hardware echo cancellation and having a touch screen
Telephone Interconnect Enhancements
Calls from the mobile client to a phone subscriber from predefined contact list
SIP ID in the user and group properties - alternative user/group number or name for incoming telephone call
Man Down Enhancements
Man Down based on a device tilt
Settings to calibrate Man Down behaviour based on impact
Other Enhancements
RX-Only property for a group member. Group member having "RX-Only" property enabled can't initiate a call in the group
New action for the key mapper - Announce battery charge
New action for the key mapper - Switch channel next/previous
Number of new permissions for users and dispatchers
Please see
release notes
for more details.
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