Setting name; Value; Comments
LoginName; User name; Example: LoginName=user1
Password; User password (case sensitive); Example: Password=pwd1
Server; Server address; Example: Server=
ForceLoginCredentials; True or False; If ForceLoginCredentials is False or missing, login credentials specified in wfinit.cfg are applied only if no other credentials were previously used on the device. If ForceLoginCredentials is True, only login credentials specified in wfinit.cfg are used to login. Example: ForceLoginCredentials=True
AutoLogin; True or False; Set to True to login automatically. Example: AutoLogin=True
AutoStart; True or False; Set to True to launch WalkieFleet client on device boot. Example: AutoStart=True
ShowOnBoot; True or False; Set to True to keep WalkieFleet client in foreground after device boot. ShowOnBoot only makes sense when AutoStart=True. Example: ShowOnBoot=True
CH1, CH2, … CH100; Group or user name (case sensitive); Makes sense for devices having knob selector to switch channels. Assign group name or user name to call by default when it is selected by knob. Example: CH1=GROUP1
MaxChannels; Numeric; Number of channels assigned on the knob selector (by means of CH1 .. CH100 entries). MaxChannels makes sense for infinite knob selector. Example: MaxChannels=4
DefaultGroup; Group name (case sensitive); Group to call by default. Example: DefaultGroup=GROUP1
SetDefaultSelected; True or False; Set to True to set DefaultGroup as selected group. Note! Group chosen as default by knob selector will be set as Selected when SetDefaultSelected=True. Example: SetDefaultSelected=True
KeepMicOpen; True or False; Set to True to keep microphone always open. Reduces call initiation time, but restricts using microphone by other applications.
LowBatteryLevel; Numeric (Percent); Starts low battery warning when battery level goes under this value. Example: LowBatteryLevel=20
LowBatteryWarning; Text; Text message to pronounce when battery goes lower than LowBatteryLevel. Example: LowBatteryWarning=Time to charge the battery
DisableTTS; True or False; Set to True to disable all voice announcements. Example: DisableTTS=True
TTSLang Language code; (ISO 639-1); Force this language to use in text-to-speech service. Example: TTSLang=en
PingServer; True or False; Set to True to send ping from client to server every 1.5 seconds. Keeps IP channel “warm” and considerably reduces call initiation delay after long idle time. Note! PingServer=True noticeably increases battery consumption. Recommended for use on devices having big capacity battery. Example: PingServer=True
NotificationVolume; Numeric (Percent); Set percentage of the maximum sound level to adjust tone’s loudness. Example: NotificationVolume=50
FlipRearCamera; True or False; Set to True to flip rear camera for video calls. Example: FlipRearCamera=True
SmallScreen; True or False; Enables small screen mode for devices having small display. Example: SmallScreen=True